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Six Members Complete Emergency Vehicle Operations Course
By Firefighter Erika Kirschner
May 22, 2010
Recently, six members of the South Salem Fire Department completed the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course. The course provides vehicle operators with a better understanding of the seriousness of emergency vehicle operations. Lieutenants Mike DeVito, Nick DeLaurentis, Mike Davison and Ed Zeller along with Firefighters Hank Algire and Erika Kirschner, spent time classroom training at the Katonah Fire Department which culminated with a driving evaluation at the Westchester County Fire Training Center. Congratulations to those members on their successful completion of the course and for their continued dedication to training within the fire service
EVOC graduates with their instructors
Parallel parking
Left to right: Instructor Dingee, Lt. Mike Davison, Lt. Mike Devito, Lt Nick DeLaurentis, FF. Erika Kirschner, FF. Hank Algire, Lt. Ed Zeller, Instructor Lembke