Residents and business owners of South Salem, Cross River and Waccabuc:
The men and women of the South Salem Fire Department need your help so that we can continue to fulfill the critical role of protecting our community.
Every year our 100% volunteer membership responds, without fail, to all types of calls for help from within our community including house fires, vehicle fires, motor vehicle accidents, false alarms and weather related hazards. Our members complete countless hours of New York State mandated training and we hold weekly in-house training drills every Monday evening to hone our skills and keep ourselves current on developing trends and techniques. As federal and state regulations have increased the amount of time required for training, so has the dedication of our volunteers.
There are no paid emergency service personnel in South Salem, Cross River or Waccabuc. Although our residents do pay a modest annual fire tax which maintains the firehouse, fire trucks and other necessary equipment, the 100% volunteer membership is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to fight fires and respond to emergencies which saves our community millions of tax dollars each year since they receive no salaries, benefits or incur pension liabilities.
The members of our department are your family, friends and neighbors and by extension the fire department is an active part of the community. We take a proactive role by sponsoring a local Boy Scout Venturing post for local youth, provide annual fire safety training at local schools, and host an annual carnival and parade during the Summer and an Open House Day during the Fall. Tax dollars do not support any of these programs which is why your financial support is so critical.
The South Salem Fire Department is a 501c3 exempt charitable organization so your donations are tax deductible and we accept matching gifts.
Please remain safe and we thank you for your support.
The members of the South Salem Fire Department
A new addition to our site, you can use the PayPal "Donate" button
located on the left side column of the wesbite.
Thanks as always for the continued support!