The South Salem Fire District was established on the 6th day of June 1932, by an act of the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County in response to a petition of the majority of the resident taxpayers of the district.
In 1938 the Fire Commissioners purchased some nine acres of land for the site of the present firehouse. Until 1951 the headquarters of the Department was located at Tator's Garage. Few people know that the first fire protection in this community was furnished by Mr. George T. Tator back in 1925. In that year Mr. Tator purchased a truck and installed considerable equipment thereon, until the organization of the Department in 1938 when he presented that truck to the Department. Mr. Tator was one of the original Fire Commissioners and served on the board for seventeen years. The story of the South Salem Fire Department would not be complete without an expression of appreciation to the late Mr. Tator for the many contributions and invaluable advice that was always at our command. His passing in December 1952 was indeed a great loss to the Department.
On March 17, 1938 the South Salem Fire Department was organized with sixty-six charter members. The present membership is now well over the hundred mark.
On June 8, 1953 the Department went "ON THE AIR" through the use of its newly purchased radio equipment (KED 413). The Department contributed over $2,000 to this project; funding was earned by annual carnivals and fund raising campaigns.