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Midnight House Fire - Cove Road
By News Staff
April 15, 2020
Shortly after midnight on, April 15th, South Salem and Croton Falls Fire Departments were dual dispatched for a reported structure fire on Cove Road. Car 2452 arrived on scene first, reported that the house was fully charged with smoke and quickly requested a First Alarm be transmitted. Moments after, Car 2451 arrived and assumed command, while Engine 166 arrived and began stretching lines. Crews encountered a fire in the basement, that was extending to the first floor. One line was used to begin knocking the fire down through a window, while an exterior basement door was forced. Once the door was forced, the line knocked down the bulk of the fire in the basement and entry was gained to the rear of the house. The fire was able to extend up to the 1st and 2nd floor through a void running up from the basement. Despite some difficult conditions encountered, the fire was quickly brought under control. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.
Thank you to all the mutual aid departments that responded.