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Ex-Chief & Commissioner Receives Exceptional Merit Award
By Firefighter Mike Harris
February 8, 2021
At the Lewisboro Town Board Meeting of February 8 2021, Town Supervisor Peter Parsons read the attached letter from Lewisboro Police Department (LPD) Chief David Alfano acknowledging an Exceptional Merit Award given to LPD Sergeant Andrew Llewellyn by Chief Alfano. Sgt. A. Llewellyn is also an Ex-Chief and current Commissioner of the South Salem Fire Department & District respectfully. The membership is very proud of their fellow firefighter on this well deserved award for his brave act to continue to keep members of our community safe and secure. Sgt A. Llewellyn would never accept the praise and recognition for receiving such an award, but the tireless work of our first responders in town never goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Thank you very much for your selflessness and sacrifice Sergeant, we are grateful for all you do.