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Tanker Shuttle Drill
By Chief Mike Devito
July 27, 2021
For drill this past Monday, South Salem hosted a Battalion tanker shuttle drill. This training is essential as there are no fire hydrants in the South Salem Fire District or many of our neighboring districts. When there is a fire, all water comes from drafting out of preplanned water sources as well as mutual aid tankers.
Afterwards, everyone gathered for a BBQ. Thank you to our neighboring Departments for assisting us with this drill. And a special thanks to photographer Charlie Boyce from Tarrytown FD for providing us with some great photos of the drill.
Training is held every Monday at 7pm at the South Salem Firehouse. If you are interested in joining, please stop by and fill out an application.
2451, 2452, 2453,
2457 Water Supply Officer
2458 Incident Commander
Mutual Aid:
Croton Falls Tanker 8, Ladder 67 and 2071, Goldens Bridge Tanker 1 and 2143, Bedford Engine 108, 2031 and 2032, Pound Ridge Tanker 3 and 2401, Ridgefield Tanker 4 and Car 4, Westchester DES Car 4 and Battalion 13