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May 21st, Room and Contents Fire
By Chief Nicholas DeLaurentis
May 21, 2023
It was another busy weekend for the members of the South Salem Fire Department. Sunday morning, members were dispatched to a residential alarm in Cross River. Immediately after arrival fire fighters noticed a haze of smoke in the residence. Command quickly requested the Vista Fire Department for additional resources. Crews made a quick search of the residence and located the source of the smoke in the basement and isolated the hazard. It was determined that a malfunctioning humidifier was the source of the fire. Another example of the importance of working smoke detectors/functioning alarm systems to help facilitate a quick fire department response.
Car 2451, Car 2452, Car 2453, Engine 166, Tanker 2, Engine 167, Rescue 21
Mutual Aid:
Battalion 13, Vista 2561, Vista Engine 141, Vista Tanker 4