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South Salem FD Members Take Live Fire Training with Pound Ridge FD
By 2nd Assistant Chief Mike Davison
October 28, 2023
On Saturday, October 28th, Members of the South Salem Fire Department were invited to take part in a controlled live fire training event, put on by our neighbors at the Pound Ridge Fire Department. The training, run by Flash Fire Industries, is a flashover simulator to educate firefighters on fire growth, fire behavior and how to look for indicators leading up to a flashover so that they can better protect themselves in a real life fire event. A flashover is the near-simultaneous ignition of most of the direct exposed combustible materials in an enclosed area and is a life threatening event. Being able to train with controlled live fire is invaluable training and we thank the Pound Ridge Fire Department for inviting us to this training as well as Flash Fire Industries for training all of us.
Pound Ridge FD, South Salem FD, Bedford FD, Vista FD, Banksville FD