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South Salem Called Mutual Aid to Croton Falls
By 2nd Assistant Chief Mike Davison
March 12, 2025
At 6:49 pm on Tuesday, March 12th, the South Salem Fire Department was called mutual aid to the Croton Falls Fire District with an engine and tanker for a reported barn fire behind The Farmer & the Fish restaurant. Upon arrival, units were confronted with a roughly 30’ by 20’ two-story barn/apartment with heavy smoke coming from the building.
Engine 167’s crew reported to the scene and assisted with the initial fire attack. Once the main body of fire was knocked down, they assisted in opening the roof to vent out the remaining smoke and started overhauling. Pockets of fire were trapped in the exterior walls and were tough to get at due to the thick roof and vaulted corrugated metal ceiling. Once opened up the fire was quickly contained, and the situation was put under control.
Tanker 2 and additional South Salem members assisted in water supply operations to shuttle water five miles from Valeria Ct up to the scene.
All units were put back into service and returned to South Salem at 10:59pm. **Some Photos provided by Croton Falls FD & Katonah FD.